
The mi­ni play­ing fields of­fer both chil­dren and adults ide­al con­di­tions for sport­ing ac­tiv­i­ties in a small space – be it for play­ful and tech­ni­cal­ly high-­qual­i­ty small-­sid­ed soc­cer or as a mul­ti­func­tion­al court for bas­ket­ball, mi­ni ten­nis and oth­er sports.

Mini Courts
Mini Courts
Small room
gre­at sport

Ba­sed on the idea of the Ger­man Soc­cer Fe­de­ra­ti­on (DFB) to su­staina­b­ly pro­mo­te young soc­cer players in Ger­ma­ny and to build a to­tal of 1000 „mi­ni courts“ throug­hout Ger­ma­ny from the sur­plu­ses of the 2006 World Cup, we ha­ve ta­ken up the ba­sic idea of this mi­ni court con­struc­ti­on and fur­ther de­ve­lo­ped the­se soc­cer courts in a size-­va­ri­a­ble and mul­ti­func­ti­o­nal way.


Our mi­ni courts are al­so va­ri­a­ble in terms of in­stal­la­ti­on, i.e. a pu­re „street court“ (with or wi­thout ar­ti­fi­ci­al turf) can be built di­rect­ly on an exis­ting pa­ved sur­face (e.g. par­king lot, schoo­lyard, etc.) as well as a „nor­mal“ sports field, i.e. with sub­struc­ture ac­cor­ding to DIN (18035-­7).

play­ground si­zes

Mi­ni courts are the ide­al so­lu­ti­on for play­ing va­rious sports such as soc­cer, bas­ket­ball or hand­ball in a small space in a per­ma­nent and high-­qua­li­ty man­ner in an area se­pa­ra­ted by boards and nets. The sta­ti­o­na­ry mi­ni court is a per­manent­ly in­stal­led mul­ti­func­ti­o­nal play­ing field that can be used by 6 to 16 players at the sa­me time, de­pen­ding on the size of the court. A suc­cess­ful com­bi­na­ti­on of fun and sport!


In prin­ci­ple, the Mi­ni Court can be built and sup­plied in any de­si­red size. Ho­we­ver, we re­com­mend the fol­lo­wi­ng si­zes, which ha­ve pro­ven them­sel­ves on ma­ny oc­ca­si­ons:

Al­rea­dy re­a­li­zed
court si­zes
7.00m x 4.00m
8.00m x 5.00m
10.00m x 7.00m
12.00m x 8.00m
16.00m x 8.00m
Eve­r­y­thing from
from one sour­ce
With soccer or all-round artificial turf
With rubber base
With or without belt system
With classic. or alternative substructure
With or without floodlights
With or without ball fence
With or without multifunctionality
With or without mounting/installation
Feel free to
con­tact us.
Your all around
care­free packa­ge

Be­ne­fit from our all-­round care­free packa­ge: com­pe­tent, fast and re­li­a­ble – eve­r­y­thing from a sin­gle sour­ce.


From free con­sul­ting and plan­ning to the rea­dy-­to-­play pro­duc­ti­on and in­stal­la­ti­on of your pitch – our pro­fes­si­o­nal and ex­pe­ri­enced team is al­ways the­re for you.
On re­quest, we can al­so take care of pitch main­te­nance and ser­vicing for you.

In­di­vi­du­al con­sul­ting
for your play­ground

In­di­vi­du­al pro­jects need in­di­vi­du­al so­lu­ti­ons. Your wis­hes are our pri­o­ri­ty. Let us know your ideas – to­gether we will im­ple­ment them and ma­ke your pro­ject un­i­que.


Pho­ne: 0251 928 7268 0

Email: in­fo@trend­sport-­rum­me­nig­

Qua­li­ty from
ex­pe­ri­enced hands

Through years of ex­pe­ri­ence in sports fa­ci­li­ty con­struc­ti­on, we are ab­le to meet the hig­hest qua­li­ty and sa­fe­ty re­qui­re­ments. Strict at­ten­ti­on is paid to ful­fill the Ger­man, le­gal re­qui­re­ments (DIN stan­dards, sta­tics, tes­ta­ble sa­fe­ty, CE cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, etc.).

Re­quest your court
wi­thout ob­li­ga­ti­on

Ple­a­se fill out all fields as tho­rough­ly and ac­cu­ra­te­ly as pos­si­ble so that one of our spe­cia­lists can con­tact you wi­thout ob­li­ga­ti­on. The mo­re de­tai­led your in­for­ma­ti­on, the bet­ter we can ad­dress your needs and re­qui­re­ments re­gar­ding sports fields. Thank you!



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