Mo­bi­le Courts &

The Mo­bile Court is the in­ge­nious so­lu­tion to play soc­cer any­where and at any place where you nor­mal­ly can not play (pedes­tri­an zone, com­pa­ny grounds, parks, pub­lic view­ing, etc.). The Mo­bile Court is a small mo­bile soc­cer field which can be used by 4-­10 play­ers at the same time, de­pend­ing on its size.


A suc­cess­ful com­bi­na­tion of fun and sport, at any place, at any time. Al­so for the home gar­den this vari­ant of the Soc­cer Court is a pos­si­bil­i­ty to ex­pe­ri­ence the fun of the game with the boards flex­i­bly. These courts can be set up and al­so dis­man­tled with lit­tle ef­fort.

Mo­bi­le & wea­ther­proof
Soc­cer Fields

Soc­cer Fields con­sists of mo­bi­le, wea­ther­proof side and soc­cer fields and front ele­ments with a length of 2m and a pe­ri­me­ter height of ap­prox. 0,90m.


The to­tal con­struc­ti­on height of the boards is ap­prox. 1m. The boards are ma­de of PVC (200x86cm, 25mm thick, fo­amed with PU fo­amed, white, smooth, an­ti­sta­tic, phy­sio­lo­gi­cal­ly harm­less, wea­ther­proof, im­pact re­si­stant, low noi­se, fra­med in alu­mi­num U-­pro­fi­le, 30mm with ra­di­us, la­te­ral with han­ging de­vice, up­per handrail with groo­ve for net fi­xing.

Fun to play
for all

The ele­ments ha­ve a smooth, white, im­pact-­re­si­stant pla­stic sur­face on both si­des, which is ide­al­ly sui­ted for pro­mo­ti­o­nal use. The ent­ran­ces to the soc­cer field and thus to the play­ing ple­a­su­re are lo­ca­ted cen­tral­ly on each of the long si­des.


They are two ent­ran­ce ele­ments ma­de of alu­mi­num, 60cm wi­de. The feet are ma­de of an alu­mi­num squa­re pro­fi­le, 60x60mm with ra­di­us, height 94cm, pro­jec­ti­on 80cm, with in­te­gra­ted weights (ap­prox. 10kg/pie­ce). In the­se feet are la­te­r­al­ly mil­led the re­ces­ses for the ad­mis­si­on of the gang ele­ments.


The goals (dif­fe­rent si­zes de­pen­ding on the size of the field!) are al­so ma­de of an alu­mi­num squa­re pro­fi­le (80x80mm) with ra­di­us and groo­ve for the net moun­ting, al­so with mil­ling for the re­cep­ti­on of the band ele­ments (flush fi­nish of the goal post with the band!). The goal nets are green, the mes­hes are 100mm thick. In ad­di­ti­on, the Soc­cer Fields con­sist of Soc­cer Fields of a to­tal height abo­ve the ground of 3m (or op­ti­o­nal­ly 4m to­tal height, mesh 100mm, thick­ness 3mm). This gua­ran­tees pu­re fun, be­cau­se the ball al­ways re­mains in play and does not con­stant­ly fly out.

12,5 x 7,0 Meter
Goals: 1,8 x 1,2 Meter = 2on2
15,0 x 10,0 Meter
Goals: 2,0 x 1,5 Meter = 3on3
18,0 x 12,0 Meter
Goals: 3,0 x 2,0 Meter = 4on4 or 5or5
As of now
as buil­ding kit

From now on you can get our mi­ni and small play­ing fields in any size (among others 12x8m, 15x10m, 20x13m, 30x19m) as a kit for self-­as­sem­b­ly at ab­so­lu­te top pri­ces!


We de­li­ver the kit and you can as­sem­ble the pitch your­self using the de­tai­led as­sem­b­ly in­struc­ti­ons as well as a vi­deo tu­to­ri­al and set it up rea­dy to play.


De­pen­ding on the size of the court, the con­struc­ti­on can be re­a­li­zed wi­thin one day wi­thout any pro­blems!

Feel free to
con­tact us.
Your all around
care­free packa­ge

Be­ne­fit from our all-­round care­free packa­ge: com­pe­tent, fast and re­li­a­ble – eve­r­y­thing from a sin­gle sour­ce.


From free con­sul­ting and plan­ning to the rea­dy-­to-­play pro­duc­ti­on and in­stal­la­ti­on of your pitch – our pro­fes­si­o­nal and ex­pe­ri­enced team is al­ways the­re for you.
On re­quest, we can al­so take care of pitch main­te­nance and ser­vicing for you.

In­di­vi­du­al con­sul­ting
for your play­ground

In­di­vi­du­al pro­jects need in­di­vi­du­al so­lu­ti­ons. Your wis­hes are our pri­o­ri­ty. Let us know your ideas – to­gether we will im­ple­ment them and ma­ke your pro­ject un­i­que.


Pho­ne: 0251 928 7268 0

Email: in­fo@trend­sport-­rum­me­nig­

Qua­li­ty from
ex­pe­ri­enced hands

Through years of ex­pe­ri­ence in sports fa­ci­li­ty con­struc­ti­on, we are ab­le to meet the hig­hest qua­li­ty and sa­fe­ty re­qui­re­ments. Strict at­ten­ti­on is paid to ful­fill the Ger­man, le­gal re­qui­re­ments (DIN stan­dards, sta­tics, tes­ta­ble sa­fe­ty, CE cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, etc.).

Re­quest your court
wi­thout ob­li­ga­ti­on

Ple­a­se fill out all fields as tho­rough­ly and ac­cu­ra­te­ly as pos­si­ble so that one of our spe­cia­lists can con­tact you wi­thout ob­li­ga­ti­on. The mo­re de­tai­led your in­for­ma­ti­on, the bet­ter we can ad­dress your needs and re­qui­re­ments re­gar­ding sports fields. Thank you!



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