
The pro­tec­ti­on of your per­so­nal da­ta is an im­port­ant con­cern for us. We the­re­fo­re pro­cess your da­ta ex­clu­si­ve­ly on the ba­sis of the le­gal pro­vi­si­ons (DSGVO, TKG 2003). In this da­ta pro­tec­ti­on in­for­ma­ti­on, we in­form you about the most im­port­ant aspects of da­ta pro­ces­sing wi­thin the scope of our web­si­te.


We pro­cess per­so­nal da­ta that we re­cei­ve from you when you pro­vi­de it to us, e.g. when you re­gis­ter, when you sign up for our newslet­ter or when you send us an in­qui­ry. Man­da­to­ry fields are mar­ked with an as­te­risk (*), the in­for­ma­ti­on is vo­lun­ta­ry.


We use your da­ta ex­clu­si­ve­ly to ful­fill and pro­cess your re­quest. Your da­ta will not be disclo­sed to third par­ties un­less this is ne­ces­sa­ry to ful­fill your re­quest or we are re­qui­red to do so by law.


We use tech­ni­cal and or­ga­ni­za­ti­o­nal se­cu­ri­ty mea­su­res to pro­tect your per­so­nal da­ta from loss, de­struc­ti­on, ma­ni­pu­la­ti­on and un­aut­ho­ri­zed ac­cess. All our em­ploy­ees and all per­sons in­vol­ved in da­ta pro­ces­sing are ob­li­ged to com­p­ly with the Fe­deral Da­ta Pro­tec­ti­on Act and other da­ta pro­tec­ti­on re­gu­la­ti­ons.


You ha­ve the right at any time to ob­tain in­for­ma­ti­on about your sto­red per­so­nal da­ta, its ori­gin and re­ci­pi­ent and the pur­po­se of da­ta pro­ces­sing, as well as the right to cor­rect, block or de­le­te this da­ta. For this pur­po­se, as well as for fur­ther ques­ti­ons on the sub­ject of da­ta pro­tec­ti­on, you can con­tact us at any time at the ad­dress gi­ven in the im­print.


Fur­ther­mo­re, you ha­ve the right to lod­ge a com­plaint with the com­pe­tent su­per­vi­so­ry au­t­ho­ri­ty.


In ad­di­ti­on, we would li­ke to point out that da­ta trans­mis­si­on on the In­ter­net (e.g. when com­mu­ni­ca­ting by e-­mail) can ha­ve se­cu­ri­ty gaps. A com­ple­te pro­tec­ti­on of da­ta against ac­cess by third par­ties is not pos­si­ble.