20 years of qua­li­ty.
Sa­fe­ty & In­no­va­ti­on

The com­pa­ny Trend­sport Rum­me­nig­ge spe­cia­li­zes in the con­struc­ti­on and equip­ment
of mo­dern sports fa­ci­li­ties, espe­ci­al­ly play­ing fields. They of­fer a wi­de ran­ge of sports equip­ment and fa­ci­li­ties, such as mul­ti­courts, soc­cer courts, ten­nis courts, pa­del courts, and bas­ket­ball courts, which can be used for both pu­blic sports fa­ci­li­ties and pri­va­te pur­po­ses. They are known for their ro­bust and ea­si­ly ad­ap­ta­ble play­ing fields that com­p­ly with DIN stan­dards and gua­ran­tee high qua­li­ty. In ad­di­ti­on, the com­pa­ny of­fers con­sul­ting, plan­ning, con­struc­ti­on and main­te­nance of the fa­ci­li­ties to pro­vi­de an all-­round care­free packa­ge for its cu­sto­mers.


The com­pa­ny al­so de­ve­lops, de­si­gns and builds a wi­de ran­ge of in­no­va­ti­ve sports equip­ment and sports courts, such as pa­del courts, mi­ni ten­nis and touch ten­nis courts, all-­sea­son courts, bas­ket­ball and street­ball courts, soc­cer trai­ning and lei­su­re mo­du­les (Soc­cer Ca­ge and Soc­cer Fun Park), mo­bi­le and se­mi-­sta­ti­o­na­ry courts and much mo­re!

A dif­fe­rence
to other pro­vi­ders
Trendsport Rummenigge not only offers the construction of sports
sports fields, but also provides an all-round carefree package. This includes advice, planning, construction and maintenance of facilities, which simplifies the entire process for customers.
The company covers a wide range of sports
sports, including soccer, tennis, padel and multicourts. It also offers individual solutions for various sports facilities that are specially adapted to the needs of clubs, schools, municipalities or private customers.
Kits for
A unique selling point is the range of kits for self-assembly. This allows customers to save costs by building their own pitches without having to forego professional support.
Experience and
Trendsport Rummenigge hat eine Reihe hochkarätiger
Referenzen, darunter Projekte für renommierte Vereine wie den FC Bayern München. Diese Erfahrung spricht für die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit des Unternehmens.ättenbau.
Small playgrounds and
innovative equipment
We know
the game

has set itself the goal of fin­ding the right so­lu­ti­ons for al­most all are­as of ap­p­li­ca­ti­on in sports field and small field con­struc­ti­on, espe­ci­al­ly with re­gard to the re­spec­ti­ve sports field sub­struc­ture mea­su­res that are ne­ces­sa­ry to cre­a­te a play­ing field.


Know-­how, good part­ners and in­no­va­ti­ve ideas are the cor­ner­sto­nes of mo­dern sports fa­ci­li­ty con­struc­ti­on. Ba­sed on the­se pil­lars, we build mi­ni-­sports fields for ma­ny dif­fe­rent sports for clubs, schools, youth and lei­su­re fa­ci­li­ties, ho­tel com­ple­xes, camp­si­tes, in­ves­tors, ci­ties, com­mu­ni­ties, mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ties as well as for pri­va­te in­di­vi­du­als who want to ex­pe­ri­ence the fun of sports in their own backyard.

Feel free to
con­tact us.
Your all around
care­free packa­ge

We pro­vi­de you with the com­ple­te all-­round care­free packa­ge, com­pe­tent­ly, quick­ly and re­li­a­b­ly from a sin­gle sour­ce.


From the free con­sul­ta­ti­on, to the plan­ning, to the rea­dy-­to-­play pro­duc­ti­on and in­stal­la­ti­on of your play­ing field. If you wish, we can al­so take care of pitch main­te­nance and ser­vicing for you.

In­di­vi­du­al ad­vi­ce
for your play­ground

Eve­ry pro­ject is dif­fe­rent. And that’s why your needs co­me first for us. Co­me to us with your wis­hes and ideas and we will cre­a­te your in­di­vi­du­al pro­ject. Take ad­van­ta­ge of our of­fer and know-­how to bring your in­di­vi­du­al­ly ad­ap­ted play­ing field to life: Pho­ne: 0251 928 7268 0 / Email: in­fo@trend­sport-­rum­me­nig­

Qua­li­ty from
ex­pe­ri­enced hands

Through years of ex­pe­ri­ence in sports fa­ci­li­ty con­struc­ti­on, we are ab­le to meet the hig­hest qua­li­ty and sa­fe­ty re­qui­re­ments. Strict at­ten­ti­on is paid to ful­fill the Ger­man, le­gal re­qui­re­ments (DIN stan­dards, sta­tics, tes­ta­ble sa­fe­ty, CE cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, etc.).

Re­quest your court
wi­thout ob­li­ga­ti­on

Ple­a­se fill out all fields as tho­rough­ly and ac­cu­ra­te­ly as pos­si­ble so that one of our spe­cia­lists can con­tact you wi­thout ob­li­ga­ti­on. The mo­re de­tai­led your in­for­ma­ti­on, the bet­ter we can ad­dress your needs and re­qui­re­ments re­gar­ding sports fields. Thank you!



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