Pu­re ra­cket spot
in Lü­beck.

We have cre­at­ed a pi­o­neer­ing rack­et sports fa­cil­i­ty for the Lübeck Rack­et Club on the site of two for­mer ten­nis courts. The new fa­cil­i­ty in­cludes two first-­class padel courts, a mod­ern touch ten­nis court and ten­nis hard­courts.

A new ra­cket sport

With this mul­ti­func­ti­o­nal sports fa­ci­li­ty, we not on­ly of­fer the best trai­ning con­di­ti­ons for exis­ting mem­bers, but al­so cre­a­te an at­trac­ti­ve of­fer that at­tracts new sports en­thu­si­asts. The mo­dern equip­ment and the va­ri­e­ty of sports fa­ci­li­ties ma­ke the Lü­beck Ra­cket Club a un­i­que mee­ting place for ra­cket sports fans.

Our of­­fers -­­
Your ad­van­ta­­ges
Padel Courts
Attract new target groups, promote community & club growth
TouchTennis Courts
Space-saving & ideal for all ages
Multifunctional courts
Flexible use for tennis, soccer, basketball & more
Hardcourts & all-season courts
Weather-independent, easy-care & perfect for all year round
Tennis courts for children
Early promotion of young talent & family-friendly offers
Consulting & Planning
Individual concepts for a sustainable club future
Delivery & Installation
Everything from a single source - stress-free from the idea to the finished court
Long-term support & maintenance
Safe operation & value retention of your new sports facilities
Feel free to
con­tact us.
Your all around
care­free packa­ge

Be­ne­fit from our all-­round care­free packa­ge: com­pe­tent, fast and re­li­a­ble – eve­r­y­thing from a sin­gle sour­ce.


From free con­sul­ting and plan­ning to the rea­dy-­to-­play pro­duc­ti­on and in­stal­la­ti­on of your pitch – our pro­fes­si­o­nal and ex­pe­ri­enced team is al­ways the­re for you.
On re­quest, we can al­so take care of pitch main­te­nance and ser­vicing for you.

In­di­vi­du­al con­sul­ting
for your play­ground

In­di­vi­du­al pro­jects need in­di­vi­du­al so­lu­ti­ons. Your wis­hes are our pri­o­ri­ty. Let us know your ideas – to­gether we will im­ple­ment them and ma­ke your pro­ject un­i­que.


Pho­ne: 0251 928 7268 0

Email: in­fo@trend­sport-­rum­me­nig­

Qua­li­ty from
ex­pe­ri­enced hands

Through years of ex­pe­ri­ence in sports fa­ci­li­ty con­struc­ti­on, we are ab­le to meet the hig­hest qua­li­ty and sa­fe­ty re­qui­re­ments. Strict at­ten­ti­on is paid to ful­fill the Ger­man, le­gal re­qui­re­ments (DIN stan­dards, sta­tics, tes­ta­ble sa­fe­ty, CE cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, etc.).

Re­quest your court
wi­thout ob­li­ga­ti­on

Ple­a­se fill out all fields as tho­rough­ly and ac­cu­ra­te­ly as pos­si­ble so that one of our spe­cia­lists can con­tact you wi­thout ob­li­ga­ti­on. The mo­re de­tai­led your in­for­ma­ti­on, the bet­ter we can ad­dress your needs and re­qui­re­ments re­gar­ding sports fields. Thank you!



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